Fab Five - Pt. 2

Welcome to April’s Fab Five! If you’re new around here, hello! I’m so happy you found my blog.

Fab Five is a monthly blog post I write at the end of the month to recap the month and share five good things.

Let’s dive right in.

It’s spring. The winter rainfall has seemed to go away; the weather is getting warmer. There are more bugs outside and mosquitos. Not to mention, my allergies have been over the roof (fun times). That’s how I know the season is changing.

But what better way than to fill you in on what I’ve learned, experienced, and enjoyed doing this month? Here’s my April recap.

  1. April holds such a special place in my heart. This month my husband and I celebrated our 1st year anniversary! One year of marriage. God is so so good. I’m so thankful we’ve reached one year. I’m so grateful. It has gone by so fast, yet it feels like we just got married a few months ago. The Union of marriage is truly the most amazing gift from God, and while you do have to put the work into it, it is such a beautiful thing to experience.

    Baby, if you’re reading this, I love you! Thank you for loving me so well and choosing me to do life with. God has truly blessed me beyond what I could have ever imagined with you. It’s an honor to be your wife, I can’t wait for many more years to come.

  2. I’m learning that my health is important and that I should be more intentional about taking care of my body in terms of what I eat, how much I exercise, and sleep. This month my husband and I went on a few hikes together, and we‘ve gone to the gym more frequently. With that alone, I felt like my mental state of mind was better; I could think clearly, I had more energy throughout the day, and my body felt stronger.

    If this has been a goal of yours, give yourself some grace. It’s never too late to start.

  3. Something new I’ve been listening to is a new podcast I recently discovered called For Us with Josh and Sav. I love listening to other married couples talk about faith, marriage, and life. If you’re into learning more about that, too, go listen.

  4. I enjoyed going back to LA this month to spend time with my sweet family. I will always be a SoCal girl, sorry babe (smile). My cup overflows when I visit them. Every moment is now even more special to me. We created memories that will last a lifetime. If you invest in and protect your time together as a family, I truly believe you can build a strong foundation of meaningful moments, especially as you grow older.

  5. My husband and I are so happy and excited because there is a new addition to the family - my sister-in-law gave birth to a precious baby boy. What an amazing gift from God to allow her to grow, give and nurture life to another human being. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for them and their little family.

I’d love to hear about one of your favorite moments from April. Share them with me in the comment section below. I love hearing from you.

With love,



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