Pregnancy Surprises, I Didn't Expect

Hi friends! It's been a few weeks since I joyfully shared the news of my pregnancy, and I am overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support from all of you. Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey with me! Now that I’m going into my 6th month of this beautiful experience, I wanted to share with you the top 5 things I didn't expect about pregnancy so far. It's been a rollercoaster ride, but through it all, I've learned so much about myself, my faith, and the incredible miracle of life.

Time is flying!

It's astonishing how time seems to fly by once you're on this path. I didn't expect that I'd be more than halfway through my pregnancy already! This revelation has taught me the importance of cherishing each moment seeking God's guidance through the ups and downs and enjoying having my baby girl in my belly, because I already know, that once she’s here with us I’m going to miss feeling her move inside my belly. Just thinking about it and I get sad already.

The beauty of the woman’s body.

Seeing the transformation of my body has been an eye-opening experience. Our bodies are incredible vessels that can adapt and change to nurture new life. That in itself has been amazing to me! My perspective has changed so much. I’ve made it essential in my pregnancy journey to remember that the changes we go through during pregnancy are a testament to the miracle of creation and the strength of the female body. Embracing these changes has deepened my appreciation for the way God designed me.

The emotions are real.

While I expected hormonal changes, I wasn't quite prepared for the intensity of emotions that come with pregnancy. There have been days when I've felt an overwhelming surge of love and joy, and other times when I've found myself shedding tears over the simplest of things. Pregnancy has taught me to embrace the flow of emotions, reminding me to pray, write more, and reach out to my loved ones for support.

It’s lonely sometimes.

While I anticipated the physical changes the solitude that I occasionally feel has been surprising. Even with the incredible support of my family, friends, and church, there are moments when I've felt a unique, personal connection with my baby girl and yet simultaneously a sense of isolation. It’s almost hard to explain this feeling. The physical and emotional changes you experience are uniquely yours, and it's been a common thought to wonder if anyone truly understands what you're going through. The weight of these emotions has made me feel like I’m on an isolated island, longing for connection and shared experiences. But then I remember, I’m not alone in feeling this way. Many moms have walked a similar path and understand those lonely moments all too well. That’s why I want to share these feelings to help bridge the gap and remind you that there's a community out there eager to support and relate to your journey if you’re also feeling this way.

The gift of patience.

Perhaps one of the most unexpected surprise has been the lesson I’ve learned about patience. The anticipation of meeting our little baby girl can be both thrilling and challenging, but it's also a lesson in trusting God's timing. This process has reminded me that some of the most beautiful things in life are worth waiting for. As we prepare to welcome our baby girl, I am constantly reminded of God's perfect plan and timing.

As I end this blog post, I’d like to extend a special invitation…

To all the incredible mothers and moms-to-be in this community, I would like to create a supportive group where we can grow, learn, and thrive together. The path of motherhood can be challenging, but when we unite, we find strength and wisdom in shared experiences. If you're interested in being a part of this empowering circle, feel free to send me a DM on Instagram or simply let me know in the comments below. I’d love to embark on this beautiful journey of growth and learning as a team! 💖 #MomSupportGroup

Thank you for your continued support. I look forward to sharing more updates and insights in the coming days.

With love,



A Joyous Announcement: A New Blessing On The Way