5 Things I’ve Learned in 2022.

The end of the year always brings some reflection. A moment where you think and revisit how you started the new year, how you’re ending it, and how you plan to start the new one ahead.

Sometimes it may bring disappointment, regret, or frustration because you didn’t stick to the goals and plans you had set for yourself. Or perhaps you went through a very difficult and unfortunate situation that you wish could have gone differently. It can be overwhelming and bring so much anxiety, doubt, and fear about starting a new year. I’ve been there many times. But this year, I’m choosing differently. I want to reflect on the moments when I grew. And I want you to do the same.

Here are the top 5 things that I learned this past year.

  1. The Lord is my one constant in life.

    You may think that’s cliche and maybe super obvious. I know, but I understood this much deeper last year. If you’ve followed me for a while, you may already know I’m a recent newlywed. My sweet husband and I got married last year in April, and with that came many changes. We bought our new home, I moved across the state, I started going to a new church, I made new friends, and so much more. Everything was new and different. But in that season, I realized that God was my only constant. Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.” God didn’t change even though everything for me did. Looking back now, so many changes were for my good. Change can be scary, not for the faint, but God will do wonders if you take that leap of faith.

  2. I’ve learned to become the friend that I’ve always wanted to have.

    For a long, long time, I’ve prayed that God would bring new friendships into my life. Friends who I could do life with, grow with, and serve God with. I really wanted to establish new friendships in the new city I was about to move into with my husband. But God started to teach me something new. God taught me how to be a good friend, someone who can create a safe place where ladies and fellow Christians are not afraid to bring down their walls, talk about God, and ask for help. I thank God for continuing to teach me that because God continues to bring new friendships into my life. God says, “Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ” (Galatians, 6:2). It’s important to learn to be honest with one another because that’s what true community is all about.

  3. Mental health matters.

    Becoming emotionally healthy is an ongoing process. We don’t just arrive and the journey ends. It requires a lot of stopping, digging deep within, and asking those hard questions. I’ve had to learn to have those conversations with myself, my husband, family, and friends. The truth is being emotionally healthy affects all other areas in our lives; our spiritual, mental, and physical health. None of us are immune to this; we are all susceptible to struggles no matter who we are. One of the healthiest things I’ve learned is building boundaries around my life. I’ve learned to say no when I know my plate is too full. I’m allowing God to take away the excess in my life to help me focus on the things that really matter. “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing, and perfect will” (Romans: 12:2). There is hope and healing.

  4. Fear and comparison will hold you back.

    So often, we find ourselves playing the comparison game as we scroll through social media or even when we are out with friends in public settings. Suddenly, we are trying to measure up to see if we are prettier, smarter, or even more talented. Even in our insecurity, we make it about us. That’s the lie the enemy wants us to believe. My most joyful and freeing moments have been when I take my eyes off of myself and start to see people as God sees them. Taking my heart to a righteous place. I try to remind myself that my eyes are not fixed on this world but on Jesus. “Then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and of one mind. Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others” (Philippians 2:2-4).

  5. Marriage is truly a gift from God.

    Marriage has revealed so much of God’s beauty in such a special way, in a way I couldn’t really comprehend before but had only read and heard about. Marriage has genuinely made me better. In the ten months of being married to my husband, I have had to relearn how to forgive, repent, be kind, serve, love more, and be more selfless. I thank God that He designed marriage that way. It has taught me so much about myself, things I did not know within me yet. I’ve also learned more about my husband now than I did before and so much more about God and who He is. I could never have dealt with all the things I’ve been confronting without my husband and God. I’m so thankful for my husband, how deeply he loves me, and how selflessly he serves me.

I’d like to close with this thought - there’s something special about reflection because it reminds us of God’s favor, grace, and faithfulness, just take a moment and look at how far you’ve come in the past year. I pray you also reflect on how far God has brought you.

2023 looks like an amazing year ahead, and I can’t wait to share more with you. One day at a time.

With Love,



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